Arturia Launches Black Friday Sale For V Collection 7

Tuesday, November 19th, 2019 |

It is almost the season for some of the biggest deals of the year on everything from fridges, to TVs and more important for DJs and producers – gear. Many software and hardware companies are rolling out deals to try and improve the experience of existing costumers and get new ones into the fold. French hardware and software company Arturia has launched their own Black Friday sale for the V Collection 7.

The V Collection includes 24 recreated historic synths and keyboards and over 8,000 different presets on those instruments. The sale comes with three different tiers, the most expensive being for new Arturia users, the second being for those who have an existing brand product, but not the V Collection 7 and then the possibility to upgrade cheaply for those who already have software collection.

Buy for $299:

New customers can purchase V Collection 7 for $299.

Crossgrade for $199:

Existing customers, with any registered Arturia product, can purchase V Collection 7 for $199.

Upgrade for $99:

Customers who own any previous version of V Collection can upgrade to the latest version for just $99.

The collection is normally $499, so new customers would save $200 on this sale. The sale is live now and will last until December 5, so you don’t have to rush to get your purchase in before next Friday. Get more information on the company website and get your collection there.

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